Software Engineer Intern
Dec 2022 - Present
SAP NetWeaver AS Java
Back-end Development, Customer Support
Computer Science BSc
First class (75%)
Stage 3
- Java, Python, Linux
Data Science, Image Informatics, System and Network Security
Dissertation on Quantum programming
Stage 2
- Java, Python, JavaScript, Pug.js, Java Web Servlets, MySQL, Tomcat, Docker
Back-end developer of a banking web application developed using the MERN stack (MySQL,
Express.js, React.js, Node.js) in a team of 4 people
Stage 1
- Java, Python (Panda3D, Uniplot, Bio, gzip, matplotlib,
Random), Linux, MySQL.
Team project on designing an Electronic Point of Sale (EPOS) system
Previous Projects
Retinal Vessel Segmentation
Python, matplotlib, numpy, skimage, sklearnIndividual Image Informatics project. Drawing retinal blood vessels is important for spotting developing diseases that can be stopped. Usually these are drawn by hand by medical specialists. This application creates these drawings by using retinal vessel segmentation in retina imagery with fair accuracy.
Banking Web Application
MySQL, Express.js, React.js, Node.jsCollaborative project. Mainly worked on the back-end of the application. Includes AES-ECB encryption, SHA256 hashing, 2FA, interactive menu, fetching data from database, connecting to server and ML diagrams.
Loan Interest Calculator
Individual project. Application that calculates interest on loans by using a banking
Developed for a banking fair as an interactive piece of software for clients to use.
Exports data into Word and Excel files, creating Loan Repayment Plans.
Additional experience
Event Organization
June 2023, Sofia, Bulgaria
With a burning passion for helping out at events, quite early in my internship I volunteered to help with the organizing of a work conference with over a thousand visitors.
Data Insights Bootcamp
July 2022, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I helped students unfamiliar with programming understand problems presented in Jupyter Notebook files, the data of which represented problems that big and small companies like Bowmer + Kirkland, BP, Northern Stage and Opera North face.